Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day TWO!

Let's start with the good stuff... I am going to weigh myself every day.  I have read about a study that confirmed people who weigh daily lose more weight (up to twice as much) and are more likely to keep it off.

Weight... 140.3

That is a loss of 3.5 lbs!  I peed a TON yesterday so guessing that is what it is.

Woke up at 5:30 with worries running through my head and major sinus headache!.  This is normal for me, unfortunately.  So 6.5 hours of sleep is all I got.  Laid there and tried hard to get more with only minor dozing. 

Fatigue is bad this morning!
Mood is good... even though Lexi got up earlier then normal so I haven't had my "me" time to wake up yet.

I started off with the first daily step ... drink the 1 ounce of Ionix Supreme.  This is NOT yummy!  It says to take with ice or some water but I found that it is better to just hold your nose and shoot it back.  Then keep your nose held and breathe through you mouth a few times.  Not too bad that way.  Have to do that on an empty stomach and let it process a bit before having my shake for breakfast.  This is where I messed up yesterday.  This is what is supposed to help my body process stress and day to day activities.  I have had a couple friends that have told me that they even react better to their kids because of this.  I am hopeful about this!

(30 minutes later)... did the vanilla shake.  It is not as frothy as the chocolate one.  Feeling kind of sick while taking it... gagged.  But I think it is because I had to take 4 ibuprofen on an empty stomach 10 minutes prior.  I tried to wait but my sinus headache was crippling me.  Took the accelerator pill right after.  This thing cracks me up!  It is made of a lot of the same things that Shawn's great aunt has been taking in a liquid homemade shot every morning and I must say she is sharp as a tack and skinny even in her 80's!

This breakthrough formula contains only the most carefully selected natural thermogenic ingredients such as cayenne, green tea, cinnamon, and ginseng to help your liver metabolize fat quickly helping you lose weight and inches—minus potentially harmful stimulants including, caffeine, ephedra or ma huang.  Natural Accelerator helps reduce appetite. It also contains antioxidants and fat-burning nutrients, which help to support the liver’s ability to metabolize fat quickly.

We shall see what the day holds!  I hope it is better then the headache filled morning with a VERY crabby little boy who just left for school.  Wow!  He slept 12.5 hours and I still had to drag him out of bed because he was tired.  And he broke down crying over everything.  Could he be having PMS?  Never been so happy for quiet!

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