I was very tired today. I peed a LOT! That is good. Annoying but good. I do not drink enough normally. This change alone will be good for me... and my dehydrated brain, I'm sure.
I drank my "Want More Energy" powder drink during the day too. Taste much like Crystal Lite but without the fake sugars I am trying desperately to cut out of my diet. It has 35 calories per serving. I think I made my one tube into four servings instead of two though. So not bad. An added 70 calories today without being too sweet which I don't like. I only have the citrus one. I am curious about the other two flavors. The write up states:
While most energy drinks contain excess amounts of caffeine and sugar that cause you to crash, Want More Energy? gives you endurance and sustains your energy naturally without caffeine or other stimulants like ma-huang or ephedrine, so you never experience a “sugar crash.” Want More Energy? may also increase and improve mental and physical performance.They recommend you do your meal for lunch. But that is just not logical for me. I am NOT going to make my family a healthy meal that smells good... and then drink a shake! Really? Here wonderful family. Please eat what I am subjecting you to while I drink this chocolate shake.
So I am doing the meal at dinner. And just hoping to not have our dinner later then 5:30 at night (at the latest). Tonight that meant dinner had to be ready by 4:45. Yep! That is early! But Nicolas has Grogan's Martial Arts tonight at 5:30 and it doesn't get over until 6:30. So there is going to be no more eating that late! I decided to try Black Beans Scallops and Zucchini recipe from a book I got at the library on healthy cooking in my new wok. How did it turn out for about 500 calories a serving?
Well... honestly thought it was a bit bland at first. (just found out there is a difference between our black beans and "chinese" black beans... their canned version has more flavor!) It is disheartening when you take the time to cut up all that stuff.... my first attempt at real wok cooking. Not to mention the cost of scallops!
We had a small side salad too so I went to put my Fit & Active (Aldi's) Sundried Tomato dressing on that...
and then looked over and wondered where my dressing went. Um!
My salad was dry! But I remember drizzling on some dressing!
I drizzled it on the meal instead of the salad. Did I mention that I worry about my brain right now? How awful! I already ruined the food!
Wait! I think it is good this way! Drizzled a bit on the families and everyone was happy!
Ironically, I found a new magazine which I think I am going to subscribe. And it covers everything I am trying to change to. Clean Eating! Tonight when I was reading it at Nicolas' practice tonight and found an article about all the different vinegar types to use to add flavor to food. Cut it out and taped it to my pantry door.
Anyway, dinner was at 4:30 because of practice so I did have some almonds for a snack later instead of having any this afternoon. Now a hot glass of red tea before bed.
Losing my motivation already! Was this hard? NO! But thinking ahead of going out after JSC meeeting tomorrow night and would normally drink. Can I? Probably one low calorie beer. Then Friday going out for a GNO at Springer... but we will have food and wine.. and how do I enjoy myself like I normally would? I am not obese. I am just not quite comfortable in my skin and don't like what I put in my body for food. Oh who am I kidding I "love" what I eat... but I know it isn't good for me. Chemicals and man made stuff.
30 days. Just 30 days and then I can have only one shake a day and try to stay eating "clean" foods. Right?
My end of the day notes...
My mind was ... very cloudy
My body was ... very tired. My knee still hurts (heck people it is just the first day)
My mood ... has shifted tonight from uplifted to blue. Not sure why. So now is the hardest time of the day for me. I want to eat because of my mood!
So no real problem not eating more other then habit and mood cravings. Should have had a snack this afternoon but didn't crave one so didn't feel bad having that snack at 6:30 instead. (5-6 almonds) Let's do some laundry and get to bed so I can see how it goes tomorrow!
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