Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Day is DONE!

From the very beginning... when I decided to take this Isagenix adventure, I worried about that "four cleanse days" that I will need to do for the month.  I get to choose when to do them so that gives me peace.  Guess what, not doing them on Super Bowl Sunday with a world of temptation.  Or on the weekend when we are hanging here and I have to make the family three meals!  I picked a Tuesday.  Today.  The sixth day of the program. 

Got up... drank my Cleanse for Life as a warm tea.  Took my metabolism booster pill.  Drank water. 

I planned to do errands all day to try and keep myself away from the house... food, etc.  But instead I cleaned the kitchen.  Wouldn't that be the worst possible location for me?  Weirdly it wasn't.  I even organized snacks in the pantry.  No problem! 

10:30 - Had their Snack Wafers when I was getting hungry.  Drank more water.
12:00 - Made another tea and took it with me to the school to work library.
2:00 - Getting hungry again... did my last two snack wafers.
3:45 - Made another tea to take with me to the bus stop.
5:30 - Made another tea.  This was my fourth and final one I was supposed to do for the day.  I took it with me to the School Skate Night at the Y. 

Home at 8:00 and feeling a bit weak, light headed and tired.  I went ahead and had 1/2 of a snack wafer just because of the light headedness.  But otherwise.  My stomach is not growling.  I am not about to eat off my arm.  I don't feel like I need to eat everything I can get my hands on.

I wasn't lethargic and cranky!  I mopped floors, sorted junk out, washed dishes, did laundry, leaned out the pantry.  I even went through some magazines and tore out recipes tonight!  Now, I don't suggest going grocery shopping on a cleanse day!  Um...  That could get ugly!

 No huge desire to eat right now.  I will wait until the morning.  But then that chocolate Isagenix shake is going to taste mighty yummy!  I am quite sure!  Looking forward to it already!  Night!

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