Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Great Thursday!

Okay, I realize it is Saturday but I have wanted to post this for two days!

First!  Trying on clothes is WAY more fun when you have lost weight!  I know it is just 10 lbs but I went from trying on 15 dresses and buying the one single one that can fit my butt, thighs and spare tire decently even if it is not my favorite... to wishing I could buy every dress I tried on!  It was a great feeling!  Okay, also frustrating and I immediately bought a lotto ticket.  But what a great change!  I tried on a bunch of dresses and didn't HATE my legs or my butt... in three short weeks!  I know everyone says to quit worrying if the scale is going down fast enough and I didn't listen.  But now I am.  I have dieted before but never have had this kind of physical change happen.  Sure, lose some weight... but tone up this quickly?  Hoping to keep it up. 

The girls at Nordstrom were great, as usual!  Even met a couple of beautiful women who got pumped when they heard about my weight loss and Isagenix.  I was so excited to share.  They seemed beautiful the way they were but I know how that feels.  Other people think you are "fine" the way you are but you know inside that it isn't the YOU that YOU want to be... or that you feel like inside yourself.  I have tried to do it on my own.  Something about this forced me to keep going. 

  • Was it the money I spent?  It wasn't small change so I feel more pressure to make it successful thus worth the hit on our budget.  Yes, that is true.  I don't just answer to me if I cheat but to our bottom line!
  • Is it the nutrients I am taking in with the shake and supplements that is making me feel better and more motivated?  Possibly.  I do feel more energized and less fatigued.  The fatigue is not gone completely but it is sooooooo much better!
  • Is it the support I feel talking about it to friends who have signed up and on this transformation with me?  I think that helps!  We chat about what we are doing, how it is working, what changes we still want to make.  It is like a little online or on the phone support group.  No meetings required!
  • Not to mention the support of friends who already lead healthier lifestyles.  I love them!  I resented them before (hee, hee - just kidding) but I cherish how they purposely now have brought "healthy" snacks to GNO or Super Bowl because they want me to have options.  You guys ROCK!
Okay, one week to go to truly judge with photos!

After finding a rocking dress and ROCKING shoes, I went to Whole Foods to grab some Whole Wheat Filo Dough.  I found Zevia.  And that got me super excited again!  I have given up diet soda and not really looked back.  The only night I did was when I wanted a vodka drink with flavor and not water.  A flavored vodka  has extra sugar.  I normally drink diet and vodka.  I did fresh squeezed grapefruit juice with vodka and Super Bowl.  It is yummy.  But each grapefruit is 100 calories and I used two of them!  That was a LOT of empty calories in drinks alone (not to mention my falling off the diet wagon and eating the yummy food there even though people brought healthier choices).

So this was amazing!  Tasted good (like diet honestly).  And at Whole Foods I could mix-match flavors.  I bought grapefruit, cola, ginger ale and "dr. pepper"!

Not going to pay to drink it every day but I am sure going to keep a stock around! 
Off to finish my nails!  Have to get all fancy tonight!

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