Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Where Have I Been?

An outlet... all the time I am looking for a verbal outlet. Imagining that someone might actually WANT to listen to my opinion on a new toy, a new website or a new TV show. Or maybe listen to my rambling of how I screwed up my child, dinner or the house today. Why would anyone? I don't know. So I started this blog and then... like so many things. I forgot about it. So much has happened in a year. And yet, so little has happened. Compared to the economy my life has been pretty boring.

Let's see.... what debates have I listened to or even took part in this year that haven't involved any form of presidential issues?

  • Organic vs. Regular food (especially dairy)

  • Diet Soda vs. Regular

  • Cell phone use in children vs brain cancer!

  • Forcing Naps for Toddlers vs Letting them stay up

  • Vodka vs Lexapro

  • Allowance vs No Allowance

  • Hitting to defend yourself vs Running Away

  • Too little toys vs Too many toys

  • Pull Ups vs Cloth Pants

  • High Glucose Corn Syrup vs. Other healthier ways to use corn as a resource!

There are many more that I hope to resolve in my own mind here. Or at least get to rant to read later and laugh that I used to worry so much over this!

Issues I refuse to fight are those that pit mother's against mothers! Stay at home mom's versus working moms. Breastfeeding versus bottle feeding. Do I have opinions on both sides of these issues. Absolutely! Let's talk religion and politics before I argue with a passionate mom on these subjects. United we stand, Ladies! Divided.... the men get more power!

Mommy Accomplishments This Past Year!

Here is a quick run down of things that made me feel good that I actually followed through with! I am infamous (around here in this house anyway) for planning to do something, starting to do something, wanting to do something, dreaming of doing something.... and yet... and yet... uh... enough said!

So here are a few of my "feel good" follow-through moments!

Lexi's outfit for her 2nd birthday photo shoot (thanks for taking the pictures with me Erica)! Made her little tutu and had fun making her card.

Lexi is a Bumblebee! Even had a "honey pot" for her candy bag. She sure seems sweet as honey to me! Dang! Can't see her yellow/black bow or antenna in this photo.

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